“Elon Musk’s X-treme Plan: Xpanding X into the Xclusive ‘Everything App’!

Benedict G
2 min readNov 7, 2023

Elon Musk recently made a stunning revelation about his vision for X – turning it into a full-fledged finance platform within just a year. Notably, he intends to transform X into the epicenter of users’ financial lives, essentially making it the “Everything App.”

What’s particularly jaw-dropping is Musk’s ambitious timeline. He shared during an all-hands meeting that X will provide an extensive range of banking and financial services so comprehensive that you may not require a traditional bank account by the end of 2024. This expansion extends far beyond X’s current social media capabilities.

Musk’s vision is to make X your go-to app for all things money-related – from high-yield accounts to checks, loans, stocks, and even instant global money transfers, all consolidated in a single app. In essence, he aims to bring to life the original product roadmap for X.com, the online bank he founded in 2000 (which later became PayPal). Musk believes that today’s PayPal falls short of the comprehensive financial services he envisioned more than two decades ago.

By transforming X into a Super App with integrated financial tools, it could compete with services like WeChat in China or Grab in Southeast Asia. Furthermore, this move could significantly enhance user engagement and create new revenue streams beyond advertising.

The real challenge lies in execution. Scaling a bank and financial services platform is an entirely different endeavor compared to scaling a social network. Nevertheless, Elon Musk has a track record of defying expectations, so if anyone can make this ambitious vision a reality, it’s likely him.

If successful, this could position X as one of the most influential FinTech companies in the world. Welcome to the future of finance! Loo is



Benedict G

The harder the pillow .. more colorful are the dreams.